Why get Renters Insurance in Oregon? It would be best if you had it simply because your landlord is not liable for your personal belongings and personal injury inside your home. Get renters insurance if you want peace of mind when an unexpected disaster happens and have a recourse to recover the value of your items or pay for expensive repairs or replacements and injury claims.
At Zolezzi, our goal is to help our clients find the best renters insurance in Oregon that covers everything they have at an affordable rate.
Protect yourself and your visitors!
A renters insurance policy will secure you and your family members against bodily injury, and property damage liability claims up to policy limits. Medical payment coverage is available as an option that will pay for medical expenditures incurred by a guest harmed at your residence regardless of fault.
What does renters insurance cover?
Renters insurance covers personal items in the event of a fire or smoke damage, a wind storm, theft, vandalism, and a variety of other circumstances like protection for bodily injury claims.
What is the cost of renters insurance?
Renters insurance is typically less than $1 per day. Coverage and pricing vary depending on the coverage amount that you need.
Why do my landlords require renters insurance?
Landlords want to limit their liability exposure when someone is renting their property. For example, if a renter has a dog and that dog bites someone, the landlord does not want to be held liable for that dog’s potential bite claim.
Don’t hesitate to call Zolezzi Insurance Agency to find renters insurance options in Oregon.
ON THE PHONE OR IN PERSON – We gather information about your current insurance policies and current coverage needs.
COMPARE PERSONALIZED QUOTES – We collect quotes from various companies to allow you to shop for the best coverage at the best price.
OUTSTANDING SERVICE – We provide outstanding customer service for your business and personal insurance needs with staffing in 3 locations.